Tonight was a B- movie with my lovely wife. We watched and laughed at the almost-working jokes, had some IPA once the boy was snug in bed, and generally felt cozy under the light of our little LED-lit tree. It's the solstice, and I've laid down new cider. It's the solstice, and already the days are getting longer (but tonight TONIGHT, I'm enjoying the long dark). The dark is good for listening to Cocteau Twins and starting my new book. But here's The Rosebuds, and I'm bored (because they're approaching Rykarda Parasol but... but they're not Rykarda Parasol); yeah, it's time to get back to it. I'm calling in some Erik B. and Rakim. The topic is 'library 2.0', so respeck some classic as we go, yo, cuz age don't count in the booth when ya flow stay submerged in the fountain of youth.
I'll not let too much more darkness pass me by now. Goodnight, and merry all and all.
Really. Goodnight.