Saturday, September 30, 2006

for your consideration: joe scarborough doing his job

...speaking truth about power:

new fiction

New fiction (by me) up at 971 MENU. It's a short, "From Florida".

Friday, September 29, 2006

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

haiku in kaywa qr-code


"Warm engines cool. The rain hits, hissing, steaming on metal.
Write on foggy glass"

Decoded with the KAYWA Reader from the screen ;-)

Jerome Chevillat did it. J, if we're ever in the same city at the same time, I'll buy you a drink.



Just experimenting. You can use your cellphone camera to read the haiku (if you download the free QR reading software).

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

arphid melodrama?

I appreciate the dangers of RFID chips in passports, I really do.
A bad idea? Almost certainly.

But hasn't anybody ever heard of tinfoil?
If the policy makers make bad policy, hack the effect.
Come on, people!

Monday, September 25, 2006

banned books week post 9/11

So a patron wanders in because she saw our sign about Banned Books Week.

"Hi," she says. "I saw that it was Banned Books Week. What the heck is that?" Her worried brow made it clear she thought it was the week the library banned its books.

"Well, since the terrorist attacks on our nation five years ago, the federal government," (here the blood drained further from her face, causing her cute little brown specs to stand out in high contrast) "has started requiring all publicly funded libraries to discard or ban one-tenth of one percent of our collection that has some sympathetic leanings toward the ideology of terrorist organizations." I give her a cheery grin. "See? And we'd rather not throw our books away, so we just ban them for a week."


"Just kidding!" Then I told her all about the ALA and how zealous we librarians are to prevent such a thing. You gotta have fun with this, right?

2 library program idea

RFID tags aren't toys... Arphid tags are!

From the badlands east of Hattiesburg, we welcome Doc Coyote and her troupe of Happy Hairy Hackers.

Learn! How to manipulate data on RFID chips.
Explore! The wonders of interactive "arphid" projects.
Meet! Local hacktivists with an eye to make the Internet tangible.

Doc Coyote is an old hand at making, breaking, and re-writing RFID chips with home-made, hand-held RFID reader/scanners.* She'll teach you how to build your own with parts from WalMart and RadioShack for less than $30. So bring your soldering iron and an open mind to your local library this Friday night at 6:30.** Go ahead, take the red pill! And welcome to "the Internet of things!"

*The library in no way assumes any responsibility for any theft, fraud, invasion of privacy, or distribution of misinformation that its patrons may participate in after learning these skills.
**Library patrons are strongly discouraged from using any skills learned at this program to manipulate the RFID chips in library books. If such tampering can be proven, any guilty patrons would be excommunicated from the library forever and ever and ever and ever. And ever.